Monday, November 26, 2012

Coffee Cupping


This is the traditional method of tasting coffee, just as in wine tasting, it uses all of the sense of smell and taste to determine the overall quality and flavor of coffee. A typical day of cupping can include 24 to 75 different cups.

How to Taste Coffee

  1. Begin by getting your nose as close to the coffee as possible  Draw in a steady and very deep breath through your nose, slowly exhale and repeat. What do you smell?
  2. Let coffee cool to about 120-140 F
  3. Loudly slurp the coffee in your mouth. The intention is to spray coffee over your tongue while drawing air in with the coffee. This action will bring the olfactory senses back into play. Make note of the body. Repeat.
  4. Again, slurp the coffee into your mouth concentrating on the tingle at the side of your tongue  Make note of the acidity level. Repeat.
  5. Slurp the coffee again. What does it tastes like? Repeat.
  6. Let the coffee cool more and taste again.

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