Saturday, April 13, 2013

Taking Care of the Espresso Machine

Daily Maintenance Task of the Espresso Machine

  • Checking water temperature
  • Rinsing of the porta filter
  • Cleaning of brew heads
  • Back flushing

Monitoring  Procedures of the Espresso Machine

  • Monitoring the water level
  • Checking if water pump is functioning smoothly
  • There should be occasional release of steam on top of the machine where the cups are located


  1. I got something to say about taking coffee from espresso machines

    Please make sure that your coffee is served within 10 to 15 minutes.If its brewed,you may lose its flavor.

    To keep coffee hot for a longer time, pour it into a thermos.

    You should never reheat or boil coffee. This destroys the flavor. Boil the water first.

  2. Hey guys,
    Way to go
    ! You said you were going to do it, and you did it. All the best, hope to get down under sometime in the future to see it in person. Take care!
